Thursday, October 27, 2011

Julia Roberts

Happy Birth Julia! Julia Fiona Roberts was born on this day October 28th 1967.  Her claim to fame is when she headlined with the ever famous movie Pretty Woman.  Which, by the way grossed over $464 million worldwide!  That same year she won  golden globe awards for Steel Magnolias and Pretty Woman back in 1989.
Julia was named one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World 11 times.  Apparently she is tied with Halle Berry in that category.
Julia Roberts has the production company called Red Om Films.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Megan Fox

Megan Denise Fox born on May 16th 1986.  Megan is both an Actress and a model.  I hear a lot of Megan Fox mostly from men who go on and on about how hot she is.  Of course, who am I to disagree?
Megan began her acting career in 2001 in several television and films.  All minor roles until the blockbuster film Transformers which brought her directly into the spotlight.  She returned to act in the sequel Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen although I heard she had problems with the director and almost didn't take part in the second movie.  I believe the director Michael Bay wanted her to gain weight?
During an interview with The Times Megan stated on the topic of being a role model "It depends on what your idea of a role model is...  If your idea of a role model is somebody who's gonna preach to your kids that sex before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I'm not a role model.  But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah."
She also stated on the topic of being typecast "Getting typecast as what? Attractive?  How bad is that?"
Megan was born in Oak Ridge Tennessee.  Her parents Darlene and Franklin Fox divorced when she was young.  Her step fathers name is Tony Tonachio.  Megan was raised Roman Catholic and went to chatholic school for the long haul of 12 years. Living in a very strict home she and her sister was not allowed a boyfriend or to invite friends over.
Megan lived with her mother until she made enough money to support herself.  She began her training in drama and dance at the age of only five in Kingston, Tennessee.  She also attended dance class at the community center.  She was in chorus and swam with the Clippers swim team at Kingston elementary.
At the age of 10 Megan and her family moved  to St. Petersburg, Florida.  She won several awards modeling at the age of 13 at the 1999 American Modeling and Talent Convention in Hilton Head in South Carolina.  Megan tested out of school via correspondence in order to move to Los Angeles.
She has spoken extensively of her time in education.  She states that in middle school she was bullied and picked on to the point where she ate her lunch in the bathroom to avoid being "pelted with ketchup packets".
She says the problem was not her looks but rather that she had "always gotten along better with boys" and that "rubbed some people the wrong way".
Megan also said that in high school she was never popular and that "everyone hated me, and I was a total outcast, my friends were always guys, I have a very aggressive personality, and girls didn't like me for that.  I've had only one great girlfriend my whole life".  In the same interview she mentions that she hated school and has never been "a big believer in formal education" and "the education I was getting seemed irrelevant.  So, I was sort of checked out on that part of it".
Megan Fox thinks she is not at the same level of such actresses like Jennifer Aniston,Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
Here is Seth Rogan on The Jimmy Kimmel Show claiming he was rejected when he tries to give a kiss on Megan's cheek.  Hilarious!

I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose.  Or did she?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs

Terrible news this evening, Steve Paul Jobs passed away at the age of 56 on this date October 5th 2011.  He was born on February 24th 1955.   Chairman,co-founder and former chief executive officer for Apple Inc.  Entrepreneur and inventor.  He also served as chief executive for Pixar Animation Studios.  Steve became a member of the board of directors with The Walt Disney Company in 2006.  He is credited executive producer for the animated Toy Story which was a huge hit coming out in 1995.
My favorite quote of Steve's is "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.  And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Claire Deschanel born January 17th 1980 in Los Angeles. She has incredibly blue eyes, truly adorable. Zooey is an actress, musician, and singer/songwriter. Her parents Caleb Dechanel a cinematographer/director and Mary Jo Deschanel (née Weir). Zooey is French (from her paternal grandfather) and Irish descent. She was named after Zooey Glass the male protagonist of J.D. Salinger's 1961 novella Franny and Zooey. Emily Deschanel her older sister is also an actress and stars in the TV series Bones.Zooey lived in Los Angeles, but spent much of her childhood traveling because her father shot films on location; she later said that she "hated all the traveling ... I'm really happy now that I had the experience, but at the time I was just so miserable to have to leave my friends in Los Angeles and go to places where they didn't have any food I liked or things I was used to."She attended Crossroads which is a private preparatory schoo in Santa Monica California. There she made friends with Jake Gyllenhaal and Kate Hudson. She sang throughout high school aspiring to have a career in musical theatre. She attended Northwestern University for a whole seven months until she ended up dropping out to work as an actress.
Sorry fellas this beautiful girl from next door is taken. She got married to Ben Gibbard in September 2009 who is the lead vocalist for The Postal Service and Death Cab for Cutie.
Zooey tried being a vegan being allergic to eggs,dairy and wheat gluten but that failed because her food sensitivities made it difficult to stay healthy.
She has stated that she has attention deficit disorder but these days, who doesn't have that?
I like her because shes another one of those actors that when she acts it seems like she is being herself.
As far as the films and shows she acts in? I personally like Almost Famous,The Good Girl(which wasn't a very good movie),Big Trouble,The New Guy,Frasier,Elf,The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,Failure to Launch,Live Free or Die,Bridge to Terabithia,Tin Man,The Happening and Yes Man.